Guide for Leveling in Wow Classic
World of Warcraft is not just a legendary game but it’s a place where you feel nostalgia. Both the experts and beginners have accelerated to triumph in this game again and again. In a World of Warcraft Classic, everything works differently.
Generally, if you want to level up your character in any class to level 60, it takes about 14 days. However, if you want to directly jump into the high-level content, we are here to help. Many of you think leveling fast will kill the essence and spirit of playing in Azeroth but this spirit if alive within you have to reach the 60th level as soon as possible.
For those who want to get everything faster, they have to understand that this journey will be about 200 hours without sleep, food, or anything. Don’t force yourself to grind when you understand you are already exhausted. It even takes a couple of months and you are still not there at the 60th level and it’s completely okay to be there and play to move forward.
Play your quest efficiently.
Because in WoW Classic the quests are unexpected. If you are thinking of planning the route, you have to do it separately. In the WoW Classic, you’ll receive quests with very undefined descriptions and this is the real spirit of WoW Classic.
For this, you have to understand where to go and what to do with such vague descriptions. If you are one of the players who plays quick games in Battle for Azeroth, it can be a little bit cumbersome for you. If you have such a quest in front of you ask the expert or come to us for WoW level boosting. Save your time in back and forth.
In this game, you have faction-specific zones and neutral zones that each faction can use. Try to use your faction zone only, and you’ll have a chance to complete your quest faster. Try to avoid run-ins if you are on a PvP server. Also, you can consider playing on a PvE server.
Optimize your travel in the game.
Usually, it takes time to move from one point to another especially if you are playing WoW Classic. Spend a minimum amount of time on moving and keep focusing on control of your health, rage, energy, mana, etc. that will help you speed up your level.
Classic doesn’t come with an instruction on where to pick every item. You can use mods for leveling if you are not able to spend more time in a single quest. Azeroth Auto Pilot – Classic will tell you the things you need to do and about the place you need to go.
Hearthstone is a very useful thing.
When you reach a new location, search for a tavern and tie your hearthstone there. Tying a hearthstone is a very useful thing that can be used once an hour. It is an important thing to optimize leveling.
Having proper equipment.
Many people think having proper equipment is necessary to speed up your leveling but it is not fully true. When you are stuck on only a single item that cannot be that much helpful while you are farming in the dungeon. It is possible that this item won’t work. What you need to know is you must have a melee weapon and pay attention to items with spirit.
Abilities matter.
With every two levels, you’ll receive new abilities. There are class trainers who are located in large cities and will teach you abilities. However, do not waste your time and money on them as you don’t need some abilities every time at the leveling. Check your list of abilities at Wowhead Classic for which levels you need to return to your class trainer.
Gold is a must!
While leveling actively, you will run out of space in inventory and bank. Get a character for the bank and it will be a convenient option for you. This character can store BoE things that can be sold profitably. Items that are useless for your main character can be sold to other players through this banking character which brings you extra money.
This WoW Classic level guide will help you understand the moves and tricks. This World of Warcraft Classic level guide is what you need to level up your character and skills.
We at WoW Boosters offer WoW classic leveling boost and wow leveling service to let you win the difficult levels and be amongst the top. We are a team of expert players winning every level with the tips and tricks we’ve learned through the years.